The Ontario Kayak Bass Trail (OKBT) will consist of individual tournaments as well as the OKBT Classic. We will make every effort to keep the season a competitive and fun series regardless of your angling experience. To stay up to date on anything related to the OKBT Series or to ask questions, please visit the Facebook page – Ontario Kayak Bass Trail or www.okbt.ca. We look forward to seeing you at the all the events! rev14 – Jan 2024
Tournament Director’s Notes
First, we want to personally thank you for participating in the OKBT. We are excited to organize and run this series in Ontario, one of the best bass fisheries around.
Here are a few thoughts on what you can do on your part to help make this a smooth season.:
- Please read the rules carefully and be familiar with them.
- Ketch Boards are the approved measuring devices. No exceptions. Ensure your lines are visible. If the scoring team cannot read either board due to glare and your lines are not visible, the fish cannot be scored or will be scored to the next visible marking.
- Please be meticulous with your CPR process. We have provided a comprehensive guide to help you do this the proper way.
- Please be on time, bring what you need, and make sure you have registered online.
- Have fun, after all that is why we are all here! Leave the profanities, drugs and alcohol, cheating and any other unsportsmanlike conduct elsewhere – it will not be tolerated!
- 14.0 JUDGING
- 15.0 SCORING
- No Touch/Cover Zones
- The Series is open to ALL anglers provided they meet the requirements and honor all Rules and Regulations listed below.
- Tournament directors and other persons involved with events can participate in events. Scoring will be done offsite through the Tourney X scoring app by a nonpartisan 3rd party judge.
- There are NO membership fees or dues aside from individual event registration fees.
- The OKBT competition is intended to be and will be a competitive and professional level event. It is also designed to be lots of fun. ALL anglers are encouraged to be good sportsmen throughout the series. Any disorderly conduct, violation of rules, illegal activity may result in your disqualification.
- Any report of cheating will be investigated. Any cheating reported with proof will result in immediate disqualification. KNOW THE RULES!
- ALL competitors must agree to a liability release prior to start of the event, this will be completed during your online registration with Tourney X when you accept the terms.
- ALL competitors UNDER the age of 18 must provide a liability release signed by a parent or guardian before the start of the event. This will be completed during your online registration.
- If under 16 years of age a parent or guardian must be present and accompany the angler at the event.
- ALL competitors MUST have a valid Ontario Fishing License or be exempt under MNR regulations.
- All tournaments will be conducted through Tourney X Management System. Tourney X will offer registration, photo-submissions, and real-time tournament standings.
- Entry will be paid online through Tourney X and PayPal. All participants MUST have paid entry fee prior to fishing.
- Registration will close before event at time specified on Events page.
- Event entry fees will be listed on event page.
- Only ONE paid entrant per watercraft.
- Events are cash payout event (payout determined after tournament expenses)
- The prize pot will be paid out to the top 10% of registered anglers at each event.
- Payouts will occur after the standard 24-hour protest period and will be sent via PAYPAL.
- Vessel must be 9’ minimum and shorter than 18’.
- Vessel that the manufacturer identifies and sells as a kayak.
- Other watercraft must be specifically approved as exceptions in advance of competition by the OKBT…i.e., inflatables and hybrids.
- Catamaran style personal fishing vessels complying with all other regulations will be eligible.
- No “Homemade” Kayaks, Sailboats, Jon boats, pirogues, coracles, rowboats, dinghies, skiffs, float tubes, inflatable rafts, or rigid inflatable boats (e.g., Zodiac), pontoon boats, pontoon-style pond boats, twin-hull watercraft, or similar.
- Watercraft propulsion is restricted to paddle, pedal, pole, or electric motor. (See electric motor restrictions, below.)
- Unless specifically prohibited, use of electric motors in competition is approved with the following restrictions:
- Electric motor must be attached to the kayak in a safe manner for operation. An electric motor used to propel a watercraft may not exceed the lesser of (a.) manufacturer’s labeled Maximum HP/Thrust Capacity, (b.) 3 HP, or (c.) 155-foot pound thrust. Competitors must comply with all boating regulations pertaining to motorized kayak/electric-propulsion watercraft registration, use, and operating restrictions for the designated fishing area. No more than one electric motor may be attached to a kayak regardless of combined horsepower/thrust/power rating.
- Motors with dual props operated by a single power source are permissible as long as the unit is manufactured and sold as a single unit.
- The use of manual or motorized anchor system is permitted.
- Mother shipping, tethering/holding or any transportation coordination with a non- situation competitor is strictly prohibited unless approved by OKBT officials due to an emergency.
- By officially entering, contestants agree to submit their kayak to an inspection by OKBT personnel.
- All competitors are REQUIRED to wear a fastened and secured CSA approved personal flotation device while fishing from or maneuvering their kayak during tournament hours. Inflatable chest style PFD’s are acceptable. Inflatable belt PFDs are not permitted.
- Violators will be immediately disqualified if spotted not wearing a PFD.
- DRUG and ALCOHOL use during the tournament is strictly PROHIBITED.
- ANY competitor found to be under the influence will be disqualified.
- All competitors are encouraged to use the integrated Check IN/Check OUT function on Tourney X. You check in when beginning the event and check out after the event from within the Tourney X app. This is a safety issue as we need to know that all competitors are off the water and safe.
- Online events do not require Check IN/OUT procedure.
- All bass must be caught alive in a conventional and sporting manner by the participating angler.
- ONLY artificial baits/lures/flies and hand-tied flies will be permitted. NO live or dead bait may be used.
- NO live or dead bait may be used.
- Rod and Reel and Fly Rods are the only devices acceptable.
- Trolling is NOT allowed.
- Downriggers are NOT allowed.
- 1 rods/lines in the water at anytime.
- A caught fish must be released prior to resuming fishing.
- NO pier/shoreline/wade/jug/trot line/hand line/cast or drag net/bow fishing allowed.
- Official practice period will begin at 12:01am the Saturday before the competition.
- All fishing during the official practice period must be done in a watercraft in accordance with Section 6: APPROVED WATERCRAFT. Failure to comply, will result in disqualification.
- Pre-fishing is allowed until 4pm the Friday before the event unless otherwise stated on the events page. After 4pm the tournament waters are designated as OFF LIMITS and closed.
- All tournament waters will be off limits from the close of pre-fishing until the start of the event.
- During off limits period anglers are not permitted to be on the tournament waters. Being on tournament waters during off limits period will result in a disqualification. Entry fees will not be refunded.
- No lines in or testing equipment the tournament waters during off limits period. Failure to comply will result in disqualification. Entry fees will not be refunded.
- Anglers may not enter tournament waters for any reason after the waters become closed and off limits or in between weigh-in and launch of multi-day events except during official tournament hours.
- These events will be considered road runner events unless otherwise stated on the event page.
- Boats may be launched at ANY legal and public launch site on the boundary waters unless stated otherwise in the event specific information.
- Launching from cottage resorts, trailer parks, campgrounds etc. that participants are staying at is allowed.
- Launching is not permitted from private launches or areas that require crossing private property to access.
- Anglers may up to one hour before specified start time but may not begin fishing until the official start time. ABSOLUTELY NO LINES IN THE WATER UNTIL OFFICIAL START TIME.
- All tournaments will be conducted through Tourney X Management System. Tourney X will offer registration, photo-submissions, and real-time tournament standing.
- Captain’s Meeting will be virtual meeting via Facebook Live at a time to be announced on the event page.
- Identifiers will be released prior to the event. Time to be stated in event information.
- Your 5 longest verified lengths will be totaled for your score.
- Fish UNDER 12” will not be scored and should not be photographed or recorded.
- Any ONE fish can only be submitted ONCE. It is the angler’s responsibility to ensure that all fish submitted are different and failure to do-so will result in a disqualification of the duplicate fish. A secondary fish will NOT be allowed for submission.
- NO fish are to be kept on stringers, baskets, ice chests etc. ALL FISH MUST BE RELEASED PRIOR TO RESUMING FISHING.
- Fishing in OFF-LIMITS areas will result in disqualification. OFF -LIMITS areas are defined as but not limited to all any, and all areas marked by buoys, signage, or barriers with the intent of keeping people out. Any posted, legal, private property, or otherwise off-limits areas plus any specific areas as determined by OKBT staff are strictly OFF-LIMITS to anglers. Anglers may NOT fish, cast a line, or be in the off-limits.
- Portaging between areas is NOT permitted.
- The ‘Ketch’ brand of measuring boards will be the only boards permitted for use in OKBT tournaments.
- The Ketch boards allowed for tournament use include the original Ketch, Ketch Karbonate, and the Ketch X
- Competitor photos will be reviewed and scored by the OKBT designated judge.
- Reviews to be performed by OKBT staff or designates as required.
- Photos that do not meet the requirements as provided will not count.
- The Tournament Director and OKBT staff will be solely responsible and retain the right to declare any photo as “unacceptable”.
- Winners will be declared, and prizes/awards will be announced by the Tournament Director at the completion of the event.
- Competitors may protest the results up to 24 hours after event. Tournament Director or designate will make final decision on whether adjustment will be made. The Tournament will then be declared complete.
- All fish to be submitted through Tourney X for verification and scoring.
- All initial scoring will be completed by pre-determined judge(s). Tournament Director(s), Judge(s), or designates will have final say regarding scoring and protests.
- 5 bass limits. Only Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass are allowed. Your 5 longest verified lengths will be totaled for your score.
- Competitors are responsible for ensuring their 5 fish and are submitted correctly.
- 12” minimum limit. Fish under 12” will not count and should not be photographed.
- Fish must be facing left, with nothing under the gill plate and eye visible.
- Mouth must be CLOSED COMPLETELY and touching end of measuring board. Open mouth will result in a 1/2” deduction. (Exception to rule is a physical deformity preventing closure of mouth)
- Judge must be able to visually see the fish’s mouth touching the bump board. Any instance where the pre determined event judge(s) does not believe the fish’s mouth is touching or where the photo angle prevents the judge(s) from making a determination, then a 1” deduction will be incurred.
- Recorded lengths are not final until verified.
- Photos that do not meet the requirements listed will not count.
- The participant with the highest total score is the winner, next highest is second, etc.
- Fish of similar lengths must be distinguishable between one another, Disqualification of one of the fish will be up to tournament director or event judge if fish are indistinguishable.
- All fish will be scored by 1/4″ increments. A fish must touch measurement line to be counted at that length. If a fish scored is slightly under, the measurement will be rounded down to the nearest 1/4″
- Tail is to lay naturally on board with nothing holding its position.
- A mangled or ‘irregular’ tail will be measured to the longest of the two tail points.
- Nothing can be in the fish’s mouth while being photographed.
- Nothing can be used to hold the fish to the measuring board except for the competitor’s hand.
- A slight flex in a measuring board resulting from a fish’s weight is allowed; however, competitors are prohibited from deliberately flexing or deforming a measuring board by exerting pressure or reshaping it.
- Any modification of a measuring board that results in misrepresentation of a fish’s actual length is grounds for a competitor’s disqualification from the event and may result in subsequent sanctions and penalties.
Each photo must contain the following:
- Measuring device must be laying as horizontal (flat) as possible preferably across the angler’s lap or on the deck of the kayak to support the length of the device. No intentional incline of the board is allowed and will be disqualified from angler’s total.
- Fish facing left belly towards angler.
- Mouth must be sitting and touching the measuring device end board.
- The whole fish, mouth to tail must be visible.
- Nothing under the gill plate and eye completely visible in photo
- Measurements clearly visible
- Unique identifier for the event must be clearly visible. Identifier may be attached to and visible on the back of the angler’s hand when holding down fish or placed besides, above or below the fish. The identifier cannot be laying on or be touching or covering any part of the fish.
- Tail centered on board and laying naturally and not held in a pinched position.
- Photo must be taken overhead, not at an angle.
- Kayak must be visible in

No Touch/Cover Zones


- All OKBT Tournaments will use the Tourney X app to log catches.
- ONLY fish scoring pictures should be submitted.
- OKBT is not responsible for failed or corrupt files.
- View Tourney X process page for more details
- For all online events, all submissions must be made within 48 hours of time of catch/photo
- The Tournament Director may delay, reschedule, or cancel the event due to weather deemed unsafe for the competitors.
- The first option will be a delay. This is to be determined by the tournament director.
- The reschedule date for any event is the following day (same time/place/launch).
- If both days are rescheduled, the following weekend will serve as make-up event.
- If canceled or rescheduled, entrants can be refunded or have fee applied to next event.
- Refunds will be issued at 80% of event fee. No refunds within 48 hours of the event.
- No refunds for prepaid entrants will be given for non-attendance regardless of the reason.
- All rules are decided and interpreted by the Tournament Director and/or designated persons.
- Any protests should be registered with the tournament director immediately after the results being posted.
- The Tournament Director retains the right to make any changes at ANY time.
- Not having read the rules is NOT an excuse for not knowing the rules.
- Tournament director may consult with designated persons for any rulings as needed and determined by TD.
- Each event may have ‘special’ rules specific to the event They will be posted under the Special Rules section on the OKBT event page.
- All necessary information will be posted prior to event.
In the event of a tie, the following criteria will decide the winner.
- 1st longest fish
- 2nd longest fish
- 3rd longest fish
- etc.
If still tied after 5th fish, then time of largest bass entered will determine the winner for all trail events.
Online events – If still tied after 5th fish, then it will be considered a tie and payouts adjusted accordingly for online events.
In the event of a tie for Big Bass, the following criteria will decide the winner.
- Time fish was entered (first submitted entry)
- Next longest fish
In the event of a tie for AOY, the following criteria will decide the winner.
- Highest finish of the year
- 2nd highest finish
- 3rd highest finish
- etc.
You may contact OKBT Staff for questions or concerns.
Appendix 1
Scoring Criteria and Measurement Adjustments
Judges will apply the following scoring criteria to adjust measurements, approve or deny photos, and to penalize photos by deducting points (length) or disqualifying an angler
Item | Photo Scoring Criteria | Penalty |
Mouth | Mouth open | 1/2” |
Mouth | Unable to ascertain with certainty that bass lip or jaw is touching measuring board fence | 1.00″ |
Mouth | Bass lip or jaw clearly not touching measuring board fence (upright end plate) | Deny |
Fish | Secured by restraining device (e.g., stringer, tape, or clip attached to bass) | Deny |
Body | Fish measures less than or 12″ in length | Deny |
Body | Finger(s) or hand touching the caudal (tail) fin | 1.00″ |
Body | Any portion of a hand or fingers under the fish’s operculum (hard gill flap) | Deny |
Body | Entire caudal (tail) fin entirely lifted away and out of contact with the measuring board | Deny |
Body | Eye covered; not visible in photo | Deny |
Body | Bass appears to have been snagged, snatched, or hooked in the body rather than mouth | Deny |
Body | Bass appears to be dead, mutilated, frozen, mangled, or otherwise damaged | Deny |
Body | Bass appears to have been mashed, mauled, or otherwise altered to increase its length | Deny |
Orientation | Bass positioned with right side of body toward camera; head pointing right and caudal fin left | Deny |
Orientation | Bass positioned with dorsal fins at bottom of photo, pelvic and anal fins upward | Deny |
Identifier | Official identifier Form missing, counterfeit, or incorrect for event | Deny |
Identifier | Identifier Form is lying on or covering any portion of the bass | Deny |
Identifier | Incorrect Event ID Code for Event | Deny |
Photo | Competitor’s watercraft not visible in photo background | Deny |
Photo | Blurry photo/length unclear: scored at the highest mark of which there is no doubt | n/a |
Photo | Blurry photo; completely unable to judge | Deny |
Photo | Appears to be second-generation (screen shot, photo of photo) | Deny |
Photo | EXIF data and other evidence substantiates photo taken outside of Eligible Water boundaries | Deny |
Photo | EXIF data, other evidence substantiates photo was taken outside of competition hours | Deny |
Photo | Multiple digital photos submitted of the same bass; unintentional violation | Deny |
Photo | Multiple digital photos submitted of the same bass; evidence indicates intentionally | Ban |
Revision Table
Rev. | Description | Date |
14 | Updates to 5.0; Payouts Payouts change to top 10% of field. Updates to 9.0; Permitted Fishing Methods/Baits/Lures NO Trolling allowed. Updates to 10.0; PRE-FISHING. Changed pre-fishing allowance during official practice period. Updates to 11.0; LAUNCHING. Allowing launches from rental resorts, parks etc. where anglers are staying. Updates to 13.0; MEASURING DEVICES. Defined Ketch boards as only allowed board for competition. | Jan 23/24 |
13 | Updates to 6.0; Approved Watercrafts and propulsion Updates to 8.0; Check in/Check out Updates to 10.0; PRE-FISHING; addition of Official Practice period and stipulations of practice period. | Jan 26/23 |
12 | Updates to 6.0; Approved Watercrafts and propulsion Use of electric motors Updates to 9.0; Permitted Fishing Methods/Baits/Lures Trolling Updates to 17.0; Submission Process | Nov 1/21 |
11 | Updates to 6.0; Approved Watercrafts and propulsion Updates to 10.0 PRE-FISHING; addition of Official Practice period and stipulations of practice period. Updates to 11.0 LAUNCHING; updated time allowed to launch Updates to 13.0 MEASURINGDEVICES; defined Ketch boards allowed Updates to 15.0 SCORING; re-defined that mouth must be completely closed; updated deduction for open mouth to ½” was 1.00” | Jan 4/21 |