LOCATION: Lake Nipissing
DATE: Saturday May 18, 2024
START TIME: 6:00am (Lines in)
END TIME: 3:00pm (last photo accepted)
CHECK-IN/OUT: Through Tourney X app
AWARDS: Lavigne Community Center, 10576 ON-64, Lavigne ON
FEE: $90
FORMAT: 5 bass limit (smallmouth and largemouth) – longest 5 combined length – 12” minimum length
RULES: See OKBT Competition Rules Standard for reference
IDENTIFIERS: Will be released prior to event. Blanks can be downloaded here: IDENTIFIERS
PRE- FISHING: There will be no practice period or pre-fishing for this event. All tournament waters are closed and off limits until start of the event.
SCORING: Tourney X
PAYOUTS: Top 10% of field (100% payout after tournament expenses)
Below is a brief outline and not a complete set of rules. Full copies of the rules can be found on Tourney X as well as the Ontario Kayak Bass Trail Facebook page. Please read the rules and be familiar with the rules. Not knowing the rules is not an excuse.
• 5 bass limit (smallmouth and largemouth) – minimum length 12”
• All fish to be submitted through Tourney X for verification and scoring.
• Ketch Board (metal and Karbonite) are the only accepted measuring devices. No exceptions
• All submitted photos to follow the required guidelines outlined in the rules. Any photo not following the requirements will be subject to a deduction or is disallowed.
• PFD (lifejacket) MUST be worn and secured at ALL times while on the water. NO exceptions. Violators will be immediately disqualified if spotted not wearing a PFD.
• Participants can launch at time specified in event details, but ABSOLUTELY NO LINES IN THE WATER UNTIL OFFICIAL START TIME.
• These events will be considered road runner events unless otherwise stated on the event specific information page on Facebook.
• Kayaks may be launched at any legal and public launch site on the boundary waters unless stated otherwise in the event specific information. Launching is not permitted from private launches or areas that require crossing private property to access. Launch must be available to all competitors whether free or pay launches.
Please note: Your registration indicates your acceptance of the Liability Release Form. Anglers under the age of 18 must download the “2024 Liability Release Form and submit the form, signed by a Parent/Guardian, prior to the start of the tournament.